When it comes to the sex industry, the escorts girls from Paris that can be hired these days and the services they offer are quite varied. Basically, no matter what preferences the client has, he will definitely get what he wants. However, many people don’t know what are escorts who do bareback. If you are one of them as well, then in this article you will find all the information you need.
Escorts who do bareback aren’t too many, and those who do it don’t actually give it to every guy they bang. However, the truth is that there are professional escorts who have sex without a condom. This is not something that needs to be promoted, but it is the reality. HIV infections are these days on the decline worldwide, but there is still a high number of individuals getting infected every single day. Furthermore, there are several antibiotic resistant forms of old classic STDs such as gonorrhea, not to mention the dangerous bugs like mycoplasma genitalium. Even so, there are many escorte girl Paris who provide bareback full service, as well as plenty of male clients who accept it without any problem whatsoever, even though the risks of having their health affected is very high.
In fact, lots of them even let their customers finish inside. The term ’’bareback’’ is used for sex without protection, in general without a condom. Full service actually means vaginal sex. On the internet, you will usually see the term BBFS, which is exactly what we said earlier. In case the services also include a creampie finish, then you will find the term BBFSCIP, with CIP that means ’’cum in pussy’’. Escorts who offer these services charge their clients lots of money, nearly double than they would ask if having sex with a condom. In general, an escort girl Paris who does bareback has old clients who she trust, and therefore, she feels very safe doing everything in terms of sex, even if it’s without protection. This is not right, but it’s up to these girls what they choose to do, when it comes to their job.
This typf of services are popular in every corner of the world. There is no doubt that both escorts and clients are taking a high risk by having sex without protection, even in those cases when they know each other for a very long time and they trust each other. Sex without protection should not exist at all between strangers. Long-term couples can have it, but when we are talking about two people who have just met, they should definitely not have an intimate contact without a condom in order to protect their health. However, it seems that for many escorts money are more important then their own health, which is certainly a huge mistake. In plus, those clients who pay for that are taking the same risk, and not only when it comes to their health but to the health of others around them. Today, Tescort is one of the most popular website where people can find professional and hot escorts girls fom Paris.