Escorts have slang that they to refer to the services they provide. If you are new, you may be caught off guard if you are asked by an escort what you want. It is good to get a little bit of information on what terms commonly used. Here are some of the standard conditions that the Indian escorts London use.
Girlfriend experience
The girlfriend experience is what you do with your girlfriend. When you hire a call girl for this kind of job, you should expect blow jobs, hugging, handjobs, licking, penetration. Whatever you would do with your girlfriend, you can find a call girl to do the same.
Pornstar experience
The pornstar experience is more like the girlfriend experience but a bit more expensive. If you would love a taste of what you see in the adult videos, then you need to get the pornstar experience.
It is deep french kissing.
Oral without mean without protection. Not everybody likes the taste of latex.
The reversal oral is when you go down on the escort. It is always not about the escort giving. You can take the fun a notch higher by doing the giving.
The A-level means anal. It can be a woman or a man.
When the client visits the call girl at home or address that she uses for seeing clients.
When the call girl goes to the client’s home.
Tie and tease
It is a light bondage. It refers to being teased sexually by being blindfolded.
The striptease is when the call girl moves her hip sensually. The escorts are trained in contemporary art and are very flexible.
It means bare back blow job to completion.
There are plenty of words used in the escort service. However, the above will get you started a beginner, as you gain more experience, you get to learn more words use by the call girls. So, make sure you understand what the terms mean so that you do not get something you do not like. If you do not understand the meaning of code, you can ask the call girl to expound further. They will be happy to explain.