Seven rules of decoration acceptance! Avoid pits effectively and do not rework!

After a long construction period, many owners thought it was over and finally they could move in. In fact, at this time, it should not be taken lightly, because there is the final step of decoration, acceptance. A good acceptance, can feel at ease.

Part.1acceptance of wall paint

How to accept

  1. After the wall paint is dried, it shall be accepted by visual inspection and hand feeling under natural light, and it shall be checked that there is no obvious color difference, alkalization, color reversion and brushing;
  2. Observe at a distance of 1.5m from the wall, and check whether there are sand holes, color biting, falling, color difference, gone through, etc.
  3. Connect the bulb with wire, which is 10 cm away from the wall surface,Check it again along the wall surface, and there is no phenomenon such as powder falling, wave rising and brush leakage.

Misunderstanding of acceptance

  1. There is a quality problem when you touch the powder by hand

In the process of construction, dust will adhere to the wall surface, and powder will fall off when touched by hand after construction. Actually, these are just dust, which can be solved by wiping them off with a clean towel or duster.

  1. The smoother the wall, the better

Of course, the smoother the spraying construction, the better. However, in roller coating construction, roller prints are usually left on the wall surface of roller coating,If the wall surface is particularly smooth, it may be caused by adding too much water into the coating,It should be seen whether the roller prints left on the wall surface are uniform and meticulous.

Part.2 wallpaper acceptance

Acceptance method: visual inspection or strong flashlight

Acceptance criteria: wallpaper should be accurately spliced, attached, free from blistering, aligned according to regulations, cut with a sharp blade, and no paper edge tearing.

Acceptance standard for tile acceptance

1,See whether the brick surface is straight, whether the gap is neat and consistent, and whether there is a phenomenon of breakage and corner collapse;

2,Pay attention to whether the position of tiles and waistlines is correct;

3,Pay attention to whether there is empty drum,Tap each tile on the wall with a small hammer, and judge where there is empty drum by recognizing the sound.

Part.3 drainage acceptance

1,The acceptance of waterway installation is mainly to check whether the pipeline is firm, and you can open the faucet to check whether it will shake;

2,Check whether the water supply of the water pipe is smooth and there is no water leakage,You can wipe it with a paper towel for testing;

3,Check whether there is “flooding” or “falling slope” in the room with floor drain,Turn on the faucet or shower,After a period of time, check whether the ground water is smooth and whether there is local water accumulation. 4,Check whether the floor drain, toilet and basin are drained smoothly.

Part.4 acceptance of electrical box

1,The electrical box installation standard stipulates that the electrical box and switch box should be installed correctly and firmly, and should not be inverted or skewed;

2,In the case of power failure, toggle each switch and leakage protector by hand to check whether the operation is flexible;

3,Open the front cover of the electrical box, and check whether the wiring of the electrical box is neat and whether the loop marks are clear.

Part.5 acceptance of electrical appliances

1,Check the installation of electrical appliances, first turn off the main switch of the electrical box, and then gently shake all kinds of electrical appliances by hand to check whether there is looseness or falling.

2,Check whether the installation positions of various electrical appliances are accurate according to the design drawings and the layout drawings of electrical appliances.

Part.6 door acceptance

1,For wooden doors made on site, check whether the opening direction of the door is reasonable, whether it is flexible when opening, and whether there is any blocking or rebound phenomenon;

2,Check whether the door crack is reasonable,The door crack above and around the wooden door should not exceed 3mm, and the lower seam is generally 5-8mm.



Jack Sylvester
Jack Sylvester is a freelance writer, He is extremely fond of anything that is related to ghostwriting, copy writing and blogging services. He works closely with B2B businesses providing digital marketing content that gains social media attention. His aim to reach his goals one step at a time and He believes in doing everything with a smile.