Parenting Tips: 5 Ways to Raise Independent Children

Kids need supervision to grow up with the right mindset and values. However, parents should know that there are limitations when it comes to supervising their children. Your children don’t want to feel restricted in doing things because they will become more rebellious. If, for instance, your children are teenagers, don’t become a parent who will not allow them to join their friends to go out because you don’t trust them or you worry too much for no reason. The truth is that you’re being selfish.

One might ask: “Why am I being too selfish? All I want is for my children to be safe and protected.” Indeed, it’s a valid reason because you only want them to be out of danger. But, deciding for them will not always be correct. The best solution is to teach them independence in early childhood development to decide for themselves and know what is right.

When your children are independent, you don’t have to worry about many things because they know how to choose the right friends, decide for themselves, and fight for their rights. For better parenting tips in Singapore, here are the ways you can raise an independent child:


Why Developing Independence is Important in Early Childhood Development

There’s a dilemma for every parent to allow their children to be independent and coddling them up to be their baby forever. It’s not easy to let go of your child because, we know, parents love their children the most compared to anyone or thing in the world. That’s why it’s essential to develop independence in early childhood development to show them that you still care even though you’re not deciding for them all the time.

Yes, it’s about balancing between allowing them to be adventurous and telling them what to do. If you know how to do it, your children will learn how to decide for themselves.

Hence, here are the parenting tips you should follow to make your child self-reliant:

Let-Them-Do-Chores1) Let Them Do Chores

When giving your children chores, you will teach them how to handle responsibilities. It will make them more confident because you show them that you trust their skills or abilities to finish a specific task. Sometimes, the honest answer to how to motivate children is about letting them do things on their own. You don’t have to say a word but let your actions show that you trust them to finish a job well done.

For instance, you can allow your five-year-old to clean the dishes with your guidance at the back. Allow them to finish it independently and make mistakes, which is a good learning experience during early childhood development. Remember, the key is to build trust in their skills and their ability to bounce back from a mistake.

2) Let Your Child Attend Sleepovers

Allowing your child to have a sleepover can be difficult for some parents. After all, you don’t know if they will be completely safe in another home. So, the first thing you should do is ask their friends’ parents to see if they are reliable. If yes, let your children attend the sleepover. It can help your children go out of their comfort zone.

It’s also a great time to teach your children to be responsible when treating other people outside their family circle. You can teach them proper conversation and attitude with adults in early childhood development.  With this opportunity, you can also establish that your children should follow your guidelines to stay safe when you’re not with them.

3) Let Them Handle Problems On Their Own

Of course, parents don’t want to see their children struggling and having hardship with themselves. However, sometimes it’s more helpful if you let them solve their problems on their own. For instance, your children attend writing courses in Singapore, and you find out that they struggle with grammar and sentence structure. Instead of doing the work for them, assist them in finding better solutions.

You can teach them proper grammar and tell them that it’s okay to be unfamiliar with the things they still don’t understand. It is because eventually, they will learn how to provide solutions. Teach them to have a growth mindset wherein they’ll know that they can develop talent through hard work, strategies, and improvement dedication.

4) Let Them Fail

Failures are part of life, and if you tell your children that it’s not okay to fail, they will become a perfectionist in the wrong way. There’s beauty in failing because it teaches people what they need to learn, and failure makes people humble about their limitations. Yes, every one of us has limits. And it’s okay to embrace imperfections because that is what makes us human.

During early childhood development, tell them that there’s nothing shameful about failing because, in reality, they can try and try again to succeed in life. It will give them confidence in their adult years that trying is more worthy than staying away from failures. It will help them discover more things and unlock their potential.

5) Let Them Take Care of Other People, Pets

If you allow them to take care of other people or pets, it will teach them to be more compassionate. It will make them realise that the world does not always revolve around them. With this mindset, they’ll avoid depending on other people, especially if they know how to solve their problems on their own. Also, if your children have younger siblings, allow them to take care of their siblings.

Early childhood development gives your child a sense that considering other people can help them become independent. It is because it makes them dependable by looking after people or pets whom they love. So, keep in mind that teaching compassion can also lead to a more independent person.



Developing Independence in a Competitive World

Growing up independent with the proper support from parents can make children prepare for this competitive world. The reality is that your children will someday face challenges that you can’t solve. Hence, use this time to teach them how to be resilient and responsible with Carean Oh.

Carean Oh, an educational consultant in Singapore, will guide your children in writing courses and other learning opportunities. So, visit their website to teach independence in early childhood development.