The majority of those who have varicose veins do not like how these flaws make their legs look. In fact, they may feel self-conscious and not want other people to see them. If you have varicose veins, you will want to know how exactly you can get rid of them. Clinique anti aging experts say that aside from being a cosmetic issue, varicose veins can be due to other problems, especially if you are causing you some pain.
Painful varicose veins can indicate a more serious issue like a blood clot, a skin infection, or an open sore. It can get worse and as they worsen, you can develop new complications. Below are some of the hidden risks you must be aware of if you do not treat your varicose veins:
Skin Infection
Swelling can stretch the tissues, interfering with the natural defense of the body against infections. The skin normally has bacteria that can get into the body and cause a skin infection known as cellulitis. As the swelling increases, there will be a distinct area of redness and warmth.
Leg Swelling
When pressure builds up within the veins, blood fluid can leak into the surrounding tissues and cause swelling. Swelling occurs when you notice a tight sensation in the skin or an impression left in the skin after you remove your shoes or socks. In more serious cases, your shoes may not fit and your leg may become swollen. You may even find a clear or yellowish fluid leaked by your skin. You can improve these symptoms by elevating your legs and using compression stocking.
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Sometimes, those who develop blood clots in varicose veins can experience these clots developing in deeper veins. Deep vein thrombosis is a severe medical condition that requires immediate medical treatment. Symptoms of this condition include swollen, red, painful, and warm leg.
Skin Ulcers
Over time, swelling due to varicose veins can lead to skin changes. If this happens, skin can become less likely to heal from minor injuries. The swollen tissue can limit the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the involved tissue, hampering the healing process. As the tissue experiences constant tension, healing is also prevented, creating non-healing ulcers.
Varicose veins have bigger than normal amount of blood. The blood sits right below the skin surface. If your vein is cut or hit, serious bleeding can occur. Of your skin is not broken, distinct bruising can take place.