Discover The 5 Stages of Addiction Recovery at Skyward Treatment Center in Houston, Texas

stages of addiction recovery

While each individual’s addiction recovery is unique, most people follow similar stages. In drug recovery, one of the common stages is the contemplation stage, where one first embraces that quitting drugs is advantageous. The following stages of addiction recovery entail making both physical and mental adjustments to a drug-free lifestyle until it eventually becomes the norm.

Let’s now comprehensively explore the five stages of addiction recovery:

 Skyward Treatment Center

5 Stages of Addiction Recovery

  1. Precontemplation Stage of Addiction Recovery

Individuals in this stage of addiction recovery are not yet prepared for any addiction therapy. The characteristics of this stage are their constant defense mechanisms and justifications for their actions. There is a glaring lack of understanding of the detrimental repercussions of excessive drug or alcohol abuse and a heavy emphasis on the advantages of utilizing the substance of choice. An individual may remain in this stage because they do not understand enough about addictive habits. Others get stuck in the pre-contemplation stage due to dissatisfaction stemming from repeated unsuccessful attempts at recovery and treatment alternatives. Most people in the pre-contemplation stage of addiction recovery see recovery as an uphill task.

  1. Contemplation Stage of Addiction Recovery

Contemplative preparedness characterizes this stage of addiction recovery. This indicates that although immediately, the individual is prepared to effect change in the future. In contrast to the earlier stage, they understand the benefits of quitting drugs.

  1. Preparation Stage of Addiction Recovery

The individual is developing a sense of urgency about their desire for sobriety throughout the preparation phase. Typically, they have taken a step in the right direction by deciding to visit a counselor, join a gym, or try to kick an addiction without going to a treatment facility.  It is common for people going through this phase to go for a day or two without abusing drugs or alcohol, but it is also quite common to see people return to pre-contemplation or contemplation in case tough emotions or triggers come up.

  1. Action Stage of Addiction Recovery

The person is committed to change and has made major life adjustments during the action stage. Prolonged durations of abstinence and the propensity to seek professional assistance either before or after relapse are characteristics of this stage of change. Many facets of their lives will appear to have changed. In this stage of addiction recovery, self-care and self-understanding are present, but counseling is necessary to keep them on the correct track. An addiction treatment center can be vital at this stage.

  1. Maintenance Stage of Addiction Recovery

The person is making a lot of effort to avoid relapsing into addiction recovery during the maintenance stage. Along with maintaining their new lifestyle, they continue to exercise regularly, engage in leisure activities, practice good sleep, attend support groups, etc. Their confidence soars, and they genuinely believe that they can sustain sobriety over the long run because they do not experience the need to relapse as frequently as those in the action stage. Depending on the extent of the addiction, the person’s environment and genetics, and other factors, this phase may extend anywhere from six months to five years. To properly break the habit and cement the change, most people need to dedicate themselves to the task for a period of two to five years.

Skyward Treatment Center Can Help You Regain Your Fulfilling Life!

Skyward Treatment Center in Houston, TX, offers comprehensive addiction treatment programs that include evidence-based treatment methods. Every client’s needs are catered to uniquely, as there is no such thing as ‘one-size-fits-all.’ So, are you struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction? Reach out to Skyward Treatment Center and watch yourself transform!