Email deliverability is a key metric for determining how successful the messages you send to your targets are during your campaign. It is the rate at which your mail is received in your prospects’ inboxes. Since deliverability relates to how successful emails are, we can agree that bounced emails and emails tagged as spam aren’t included. Deliverability should be essential to your marketing campaign because having too many bounced messages will make your efforts meaningless. We have prepared a guide to help businesses check their email deliverability.
How To Calculate Email Deliverability ?
There are few ways to confirm your email deliverability. Check it out here.
Testing for authentication
The purpose of conducting an authentication test for deliverability is to determine whether the sender mail server was configured correctly. This will determine whether the server will pass the verification process setup by email service providers before emails are sent out.
Testing the content of your email
Content test in deliverability is created to analyze what’s contained in your mail to prevent it from going into spam folders. This test is done with spam filters to screen the message thoroughly and remove common phrases that trigger spam shields. Additionally, images, and links contained in your messages are screened against spam filters.
Testing email list
The process of verifying your mailing list is called seed list testing. This process is initiated to verify the addresses on your sender list. It involves taking a sample of verifiable addresses to confirm if your marketing email is getting delivered across multiple service providers. This system can unearth any deliverability issues you may have.
Factors That Impact Email Deliverability
Here are some key factors that can affect your email deliverability:
Subject Lines
Using misleading subject lines and sales oriented phrases excessively can get the attention of spam filters. Which, in turn, can take your messages to spam folders instead of the inboxes of your recipients.
Font Style And Size
Using capital letters too much can also affect the success rate of your messages. Your emails shouldn’t be complex. Instead it should be easy to view and digest. Use responsive and adaptable layouts to design the information in your messages.
Sender Reputation
Maintain a good sender reputation by reducing the frequency of spam reports. Also, there shouldn’t be any irregularities in the messages you are sending. You can do this by maintaining a steady sending volume.
You must ensure your emails follow the authentication protocols in place. These protocols are designed to validate the sender’s authenticity so that spam filters will see the messages as emails from a legitimate sender.
Email Hygiene
Make sure your email list is clean by removing any inactive and invalid user addresses in it. Initiate re-engagement campaigns to keep your list updated. The easiest way to achieve this is through routine email list audits.
The importance of email deliverability cannot be overstated. This is why business owners should follow the steps above to try to check and calculate the deliverability of their email marketing campaign. It is the easiest way to make sure your messages get to the inbox of your intended recipients instead of getting flagged by spam filters.